As we all know the us constitution has 27 amendments. What is something weird and wacky that should be the 28th?

  1. The ERA probably has the best chance of actually passing currently, depending on if states can withdraw their ratification.

    EDIT: And depending on if a deadline to an amendment is enforceable.

  2. Weird option: All new cases brought before the Supreme Court must be litigated through rap battles, of course.

    Serious option: Limitations on the use of pardons would have my vote. Specifically a clause that prohibits any person with the ability to grant executive pardons from pardoning themselves, their family members, their employees/contractors, or members of their administration.

  3. The US President shall be chosen via the undertaking of a ‘Squid Game’.

    Anyone who can raise the £10m entry fee can play.

  4. One that says “Executive order? No.”

    Then add like 3 extremely high threshold exceptions.

  5. It’s not wacky, but it *should* be an amendment that conveys the basic principles of the civil rights act

  6. Age limits for ALL politicians and members of the Supreme Court. Your average 80 year old is completely out of touch with the issues and realities that young and working people face. Why do we vote for them to govern us?


    Term limits for ALL politicians and Supreme Court. No more of this “sit around and be an incumbent asshole forever” stuff.

  7. Something to overhaul the Supreme Court. Seat limits. Term limits. Age limits. Vacancy parameters.

  8. Term limits for all federal position. 4 terms for the House, 3 terms for the Senate, two for the President. It’s still the possibility of 34 years in Washington but it’s better than nothing.

  9. Nothing weird and wacky should be on the constitution. The ban of alcohol was weird enough.

    Although I wouldn’t oppose a ban on politicians being allowed to accept money from outside sources like companies.

  10. Supreme Court decisions are made via large-scale boxing matches.

    It would make for more interesting justices, that’s all I’m sayin’.

  11. Not really funny but I think the ERA from the 70s/80s is as close as we’ll get to a 28th amendment for a long time to come. It’ll be downright impossible to get 33 states to agree to one thing.

  12. I’d be OK with a Wyoming rule as the amendment forcing the least populous state to be the required representative population, within +/- 0.5 Wyoming.

    The 435 limit shouldn’t exist.

  13. We should nationally recognize the rules of “Not it”, “Shotgun!”, “Dibs!” and “No takesie-backsies.” These are now Constitutionally protected rights.

    Thank you, Lemon_head_guy for reminding me “Dibs!” should be a Constitutional right.

  14. Term limits for all Federal elected offices

    Also, max age limit for the Presidency. If we can set a minimum age (35) then we can set a max. I say 65.

  15. It’s not a funny one, I could very much see the 28th modifying the clause that the President be a natural born citizen. It posed problems for both parties in 2008, and people with serious backgrounds can’t run because they emigrated here in youth. I could see that clause being modified through the amendment process pretty easily.

  16. The ERA is currently in a weird legal gray area because it’s been ratified by the number of requisite states but falls into a few issues, the biggest ones being:
    (a) some states have rescinded their ratification of the ERA, but there is no clear understanding over whether the Constitution allows states to rescind ratification or not;
    (b) The legislation for the amendment that passed Congress included a deadline for ratification, which was extended at least once, but the text of the ERA itself contains no such deadline (which plenty of amendments before it explicitly did have). So the ERA as ratified both before and after the deadlines contain no deadline, leading many to believe the amendment can be ratified regardless; and
    (c) the Archivist of the US and the Department of Justice, under Democratic and “Republican” administrations, are themselves uncertain on the status of the Amendment and doing nothing is easier than making it official.

    I’m sure there’s more, as well as all of these having their own sub-issues, but I like to believe the ERA is the 28th Amendment-in-waiting.

  17. My not well thought out idea: have all judicial rulings go through two judges, the first judge to rule, the second judge to review the case with names redacted. That might lesson sentence disparities based on race, etc.

  18. The “All free money ends and America pays down its credit cards” amendment. Our debt to income ratio sucks so bad we would never collectively get approved to buy a new condo.

  19. Psych evals and intelligence tests for ALL people running for any office, right down to school boards

  20. Create the ability for a recall vote by the public for any federal elected or appointed official.

  21. You can’t cancel a show until you solve all major unresolved plotlines.

    An addendum makes all infomercials illegal.

  22. Just like with 27 we need to dust off a remnant from the long ago and pass what originally would have been the first amendment

    [The Congressional Apportionment Amendment](

    If we scrapped the (arguably already unconstitutional) 1929 Permanent Apportionment Act and dramatically increased the size of the House of Representatives we would see drastic reductions in the impacts of gerrymandering, increased political diversity and less reliance on parties, and give much better representation to a significant portion of the country

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