What are your thoughts/concerns of getting in a relationship with someone who recently got out of it?

  1. When specimen A has been cooled down too fast, cracks might start to form (it may even have shattered when it took a direct hit). When you want that to combine with specimen B and don’t take any safety measures regarding themperature changes then the problems of specimen A might also end up in specimen B when you eventually break it to seperate them again

    So take safety measures like lots and lots of talking and walking this narrow path very very carefully

    Your partners heart is specimen A … your heart is specimen B

  2. It takes time to process the emotions of leaving a committed relationship. If that hasn’t been done, a healthy new relationship isn’t possible and the processing will happen inside the new relationship.

  3. Everyone has baggage and insecurities from a failed relationship, but if they bring those in to the new one that’s a recipe for failure. No one wants to be part of someone else’s repeated failed lessons.

  4. Concerns, not being over their ex. But embracing a rebound if it’s just for fun then whatever. Currently rebounding right now actually it feels good.

    But it’s a rebound. Relationships from a rebound rarely work. Just have fun while you can I guess.

  5. Don’t.

    They need time to recover from the previous relationship.

    You don’t want to be the rebound relationship.

  6. I’m probably a rebound. But since I’m not really looking for anything serious anyway, I can be that for her, lol. Works for me.

  7. I have done that (both ways), and I can’t say it ever affected the new relationship.

    It always fully depends on the situation and the people involved. Not everyone needs some mourning period, and plenty of breakups happen after people have already emotionally distanced themselves from their then-partner.

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