I [19F] can no longer stand my boyfriend’s [23M] unhygienic habits. (Warning gross.)

I’m not talking about unhygienic habits that only effect himself. He usually has a bowel movement 2-3 times daily, okay yeah whatever it happens and if that’s your normal whatever. It wasn’t a problem in the beginning of our relationship since he was about 50lbs lighter. But, now that he’s gained some a decent amount of weight, and he wasn’t skinny to begin with, when he goes to bathroom he leaves a streak of poop on the back of the toilet. The first time it happened I figured it was just an accident and wiped it off with a bleach wipe, no big deal, shit happens lol. But now this is happening 2-3 times a day. I’ve tried talking to him about it, like hey please make sure you’re not leaving a mess behind after you use the bathroom etc. Well now the issue has spread to the bedroom. I’ve had to wash the sheets 3 times in the past week because he trusts his farts too much, or he isn’t wiping good enough and sits on the bed bare ass. And of course when these things happen it’s always on my side of the bed. I can’t take it anymore and I don’t know what to do. He’s completely able bodied other than being 300lbs. He says I’m too picky about clean about things but goddamnit I don’t want to sleep or sit in shit and I don’t think that’s too much to ask!!!! Help!!!

  1. I’m really sorry, but this cannot be real, surely?!?

    Edit: I’ve been convinced by fellow Reddit people that this is actually a problem in some relationships! The question is, why? Why do some of you not feel the need to properly wipe your manky arse!!

    Please leave him. There’s no excuse, he’s just a lazy slob. You deserve so much more than this.

  2. Leave and don’t come back he is not going to change and that’s disgusting

  3. That’s a deal-breaker. His habits (and attitude about changing them) are horrible and unsafe. Time to kick him to the curb. I would have lost respect for him by now.

  4. First thing I want to mention is that your boyfriend has an addiction to food. Being 300lbs is not healthy for him but sadly he has to want to change. All of these new problems coming with his weight gain is no accident. He can’t take as good of care for himself because he can’t certain areas good or he can’t fit onto the toilet good anymore. You are either going to have to love him through this until he realizes that food is not life or leave.

    With this being said if he has this problem he should be willing to work with you. Like don’t sit on the bed with your bare ass, or use flushable wipes to make sure everything is gone. Stuff like that.

    I hope you read this as advice. Know that I am not trying to be mean or fat shame what so ever. I’ve just lived with someone with a food addiction my whole life. Thankfully my mom realized that she needs to get better and is on an awesome track. I wish the same for your boyfriend one day <3

  5. I would make myself clear that it’s a relationship ender for you. He needs to get his actual shit together, or he’s gonna be somebody that you used to know.

  6. I think he should buy some baby wipes to wipe his behind.

    Or he should use a towel and soap to cleanse back there after a poop.

  7. This is not normal. Leave and tell him that his personal habits are totally disgusting…

  8. Make him clean it up every single time. He’ll learn if he’s got to clean it up himself. If he pulls the bullshit line about you being picky, lecture him on how unsanitary what he’s doing actually is.

    I’m stunned that he’s putting your health at risk and acts like you’re being picky.

  9. That is so disgusting!

    Dump him. Stat. Let him call you picky. Agree with him! Yes, you’re picky, like the rest of us in this thread, you’re picking clean, sanitary sheets over this shitstain.


  10. He has turned into a poop machine because he is an eating machine. Frankly he sounds like my BnL.

    Ask yourself one question. Can you do better than a 300lb guy who leaves shit stains in the bed?

    Act accordingly!

  11. Don’t date gross dudes. You’re 19, break up with him. Life is too short to spend it with a man who can’t wipe his own asshole properly.

    You aren’t married, you don’t have kids together, there is absolutely zero reason to waste your time trying to fix a man who is this disgusting.

    Don’t wait until he gives you an infection, food poisoning or pink eye.

  12. Dump him. I mean he‘s not 5 anymore, it‘s not too much to ask cleaning your literal shit up.
    Really, everybody deserves better and you are not his mom or cleaning lady.
    I‘m shocked how a grown man could do these things and not feel embarrassed.

  13. >He says I’m too picky


    ????? Yah he is lazy and gross AF. Now that he has you hooked, he is showing you who he is. Believe him.

  14. I’m sorry, why are you dating a man who still needs to be potty trained? He doesn’t even know how to WIPE HIS ASS properly. You cannot be seriously living like this.

  15. Something I tell my younger cousins is that it’s actually so fucking easy to get a girlfriend if you do the literal bare fucking minimum. Washing your sheets and wearing clothes that fit makes you better than 50% of 23 year olds.

  16. Burn it to the fucking ground burn everything salt the fucking earth get a new identity and flee the country seriously this is how badly you need to fucking run from this relationship

  17. You realize that he sits his mud butt on your side of the bed for a reason, right? He doesn’t want to wipe, he doesn’t want to sleep on poo, but he doesn’t care if you sleep in it. If you don’t believe me, then the next time he does it, try to rotate the mattress so the snail trail is on his side, and see how he reacts. Or switch the sheets around.

    I think that not caring about your feelings is a bigger dealbreaker than the poop butt. That sort of indifference had a way of spreading out to other parts of your relationship and to the parts of him that you do still love. And maybe being dumped by a girl he loves will be the jolt that your bf needs to realize that he can’t keep doing this.

    I hope that a day will come when you can laugh about him when you your friends joke about shitty (pun intended) exes.

  18. I cannot understand how people are putting up with this stuff. I don’t know if I’m going insane or if the sub really does have more people posting about obvious deal breakers. “My partner is a slob who basically shits in my bed” “My partner cheated on me 3 times” “My partner killed my cat” “My partner is worsening my heart condition and it’s going to kill me”.

    I feel like I’m going insane!

  19. Ma’am,

    There are two kinds of people that are allowed to shit themselves: babies, and people that had been diagnosed with incontinence.

    Your boyfriend is not one of them. It is perfectly acceptable to dump a guy because he can’t bother to clean himself.

    Edit: OK, maybe 3: suffering from diarrhea and they were just a little too late. Still, he’s gross as hell for literally shitting the bed.

  20. What in the fuck is it with women coming to this sub with virtually this exact same issue all the damn time?

    Is no one teaching young men how to wipe their arse and clean up after themselves?!

    What is going on…?

    OP leave his disgusting ass, jesus christ this horrendous lol.

  21. You’re 19, you break up with him and move on with life.

    The only time you have to deal with your partner’s sh** is when they are too old and disabled to take care of themselves.

    “Unless he is wearing a diaper, you can’t change him”. – quote I use often but this has been the most relevant post for it 😆

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