I think we can all agree that alcohol is bad, at least as it relates to health. I also think that most can agree that, among the various alcoholic beverages, beer has less redeeming qualities than its counterparts (i.e., beer gut), again as it relates to health. To those beer drinkers who have experienced health complications as a result of drinking, how many beers a day (or week) over how long of a period of time before you experienced symptoms believed to be associated with drinking? Asking bearing in mind that people have different genetic makeup and bodily responses to alcohol.

  1. I drink a bottle of wine before work and half a bottle at work every day. I cook

  2. Currently none, i quit drinking over a year ago.

    But back then a bottle of vodka was just a starter and end only came when i ran out of alcohol or money.
    Unsurprisingly i have a high tolerance for meds too.

  3. I can’t down alcohol fast enough to get a buzz, let alone drunk.

    Shit’s gross. So on the one hand, I wanna say a lot, but realistically it’s more like 2 beer

  4. I quit drinking but when I was at my worst I was averaging 6 bottles of wine a day. That’s 210 servings a week.

  5. I used to drink a lot in my early twenties, but now at 32, alcohol sometimes makes me nauseous and anxious. I get a sense of impending doom combined with urges to puke on occasion. It often makes me refrain from drinking.

  6. I quit in my mid 30s. At the time I was drinking pretty much whatever was around. Not uncommon to drink 3 or 4 bottles of wine in a day or a bottle of gin, mix in some beers for good measure. Usually in a 4-5 hour period.

  7. Dependes ln the day, the drink and the situation, usually around 6-7 beers and I start to feel kind of weird on the belly even I am not that drunk

  8. “Beer makes me talk to myself” said Fluffy. And it happens to me too, I can’t stand beer.

    I drink a glass or two of whiskey in the week, or weekend. Or swapped with a glass or two of amaretto. Couple months ago a friend gave me a bottle of Amaretto di Saschira and it lasted me two weeks!! I put that in my icecream, on my coffee, I drank it after my dinner. So I try to avoid it because way too much sugar.

  9. I have gone up to 10-ish servings without getting fucked up. But I was trying to hold it together that night.

    3 beers is a great buzz for me and what I aim for when I go out to drink.

  10. I don’t know… I’ve never drunk enough to do anything more than make me a little tired. I don’t like feeling tired, and I don’t typically like the actual drinks. Beer is the worst drink ever.

  11. As a German, I have 2 say american beer sucks

    But yeah, like 7 bavarian beers

  12. Box of goon a day – I regret it but I’ve done it many times without throwing up. I regret every time. This is 4L of white wine or 28/32 standard Australian drinks. Not anymore.

  13. First off, alcohol is awesome. I drink whiskey. It will get you drunk and it won’t get you fat like beer, and you don’t need to piss all the time. I drink pretty often, usually after everyone has gone to bed.

  14. If I want to ensure no headaches the next day? A few glasses at most.

    But I am not a heavy drinker anyway.

  15. A lot, though I haven’t put it to the test since I started losing weight. Now that my body fat percentage is lower I might not be able to drink as much as I used to.

  16. Not that much. I have a tendency to black out. Luckily I never drive drunk but I do go back to the car and sleep sometimes when I’m out. Actually I’m 42 now.and don’t go out like that anymore but did a few years ago. No when people are over and I’ve had like 10 shots sometimes I vanish like a ninja and go to sleep.

  17. I don’t drink because it doesn’t interest me and it smells foul and people act like idiots after having it and it’s just not good for you.. tell me one actual benefit other than it being a distraction, since there’s SO many ways to be distracted without alcohol

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