How do you cope with the feeling that time is moving faster?

  1. That’s just part of getting older. New experiences counters the phenomenon to a certain degree but you just get used to it.

  2. It just feels that way because you are probably doing fewer new things. When you do similar stuff over and over again I find it tends to blur together.

  3. What need is there to “cope” with something that is inevitable? Accept and appreciate.

  4. Spend more time practicing mindfulness. Take time out of your day to really embrace that you’re “present” – that means stopping, looking/appreciating your surroundings, taking note of how you’re feeling/why you’re feeling.

  5. I stop and take in the sights, sounds, scents, and emotions with the sole purpose being to remember the moment. I’m trying to get my kids to understand how important this is. Usually, when I try to point out a moment for them to pause and soak up their surroundings, I end up crying.

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