What was your first “Sh*t, I’m an andult now, I have to solve this on my own” moment?

  1. My surprise pregnancy with my oldest. Though, the first thing I did was call my mom crying so… 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Pregnancy-18 yrs old 3 months out of high-school. Just glad i got my dioloma at least

  3. At 17 when my mom walked into my room 2 days after graduation and said “college or the military?”

  4. There were so many things I had to and felt like I had solve on my own while growing up. As an adult I’ve been getting better at realising when I don’t have to solve things on my own. Taking responsibility for something doesn’t always have mean solving it on one’s own.

    That being said. I’m gonna say: when I came back home after spending some months travelling and volunteering after graduating from upper secondary school. I realised that it was now up to me to decide where I’d live and what I’d do. That there was no default choice or path and I had to figure out what I wanted in life and how to get it.

  5. 17, after getting kicked out and running out of the money I had

    Spent a bit being homeless and every day was like that

  6. Joined a pyramid ponze scheme networking. I invited my friends and many others. The one who was handling the money ran away. Got no choice, have to do extra job to give my friends back their money. I was 18 at that time. Ab $2000was lost. Ugh.

  7. About 20 years ago was when I was 18, I drove 2 hours from home by myself to go shopping. When I went got to my car to leave, I realize I locked my keys in my car. I panicked and tried to call my parents, but they were at some event somewhere that had no cell signal. So I had to figure it out myself. I went back into the mall looking for a store that sold something I can break into my car with. Fortunately I spotted mall security who told me it actually happens all the time and had a device that can unlock my door. I was so thankful and it was my first time having to figure out a situation like that all by myself.

  8. I moved to another country and could not call my parents, my brother, my cousins for anything.

    Not that I can fix everything myself now but I’m at the point where I always know who to ask for help or pay for it.

    Edit: I was in my early 20s. You also learn from this how to build up a solid support net without just being born into one.

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