I (27M) have never been able to grow a beard, only some sort of a goatee. I am completely okay with that, as I think I look fine beardless anyway. But, for like 2 years now, I have some hair that grows on my cheeks close to my mouth (both sets), I always shave them off, but I cant never get a clean shave in that area, even after using different kind of razors. I end up always having that grayish color on my cheeks, the one that you usually get after shaving. In my case, it’s very visible and it makes me looks kinda weird IMO. I have been thinking about undergoing laser hair removal on my cheeks so I get completely rid of the follicles.

Thing is, as I am only 27, I am now scared I might grow a real beard in the future since apparently men can develop their facial hair ’til mid thirties. I would actually be really happy to have a good full beard, but in my case it would have patches on my cheeks due to the permanent hair removal.

So my question is: do you think I might grow a full beard in the future if right now I have almost none (besides a goatee and some hair on my cheeks) ?

Thanks !

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