So for context, me (19f) and my boyfriend (19m) been together for 3 years and live in a single bedroom apartment and it’s honestly great. Besides from maybe wanting to get a bigger place soon. We have a queen size mattress and box spring that we got at a thrift store and it’s honestly pretty terrible for me. I love beds that kinda shape to you and have extra cushion. My bf loves a sturdy almost hard bed feel. I’ve slept on this bed multiple times but everytime I get horrible sleep and I wake up constantly. I’ve now resorted to sleeping on the couch because it’s more comfortable to me. It’s been kinda affecting our relationship and our cuddle sessions we used to have. I’m looking for advice and if anyone has experienced this before. I know we could just get two separate beds but we have zero room. This is honestly a desperate post, I really don’t want to lose him or mess us up because of a fucking bed. Anything is appreciated.

TLDR: Our bed is uncomfortable for me so we sleep separately and it’s affecting our relationship

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