We are Indian my (f32) parents were always very clear about somethings that they will give us 3 kids me, my sister (f35) and brother (31m) equal treatment. Including some inheritance when they are still alive.

I got married 2 year ago my husband (m37) is a very loving man but equally very prideful. We are both doctors my husband earns 6x my income.

My parents gave us a very big building in very prime location in our hometown which we (mainly my husband, he told me to save my savings for our future together )contributed almost 45%. So now my parents want to handover the rights in my name via a gift certificate but my husband is like why do they need to hand it over we can just use the floors for which we had paid and let the remaining be with your parents.

He gets really upset about it whenever i bring up the topic. I do want it in my name. He says ur name my same we are same unit i refuse to take anything form my in laws.

He says we will do everything on our own and all these things. My point is if i want what my parents are giving me why should he be upset about it?

I mean his side of family has stared increasing their house floors because frankly if we do cm to our hometown the house is too small for us we, my in-law and his sister. I don’t dictate you to build a entirely new house at a very prime location right? I do want to but his parents are attached to their house so is my husband so i don’t. And i don’t want to hurt his feelings.

We also have a son recently (4m) the i have been non-working since a while now almost a year. My inheritance will help us with a lot of things so it is not good that my husband accept me with everything? Are my expectations too high?

Tldr- my parents giving me my inheritance but my husband refuses to take anything from his in-laws

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