Today my (28F) partner of five years (29M) and I were having a pleasant chat about something and he wanted me to look into it more and do some research online on it. I told him sure I will, but it would help if he took on some of the effort of looking into himself too.. I said this I thought kindly, I didn’t have any tone or anything or trying to have an attitude or anything about it.. Even though, yes I’m annoyed by it.

His immediate response was a pissed tone, and he said “you’re fucking worthless.” And then he looks me straight in the eyes, and says “you seriously can’t do that for me?”

I’m shocked, I’m heartbroken, and I fucking hate that I’m in this situation again. But this time with two young kids..

If anyone’s wondering my response, I said he can fucking google something himself for once because he has the same google on his phone I do. He was adamant still, and then I started holding back sobbing, and then he said he didn’t mean it like that. I don’t fucking care what you meant, fuck you entirely. I’ve been in severely abusive relationships my entire life before him and he’s just the same in his own way. Fuck my life..

tl;dr: my longterm partner said I was worthless because I wouldn’t google something for him

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