So I (21F) just got into a relationship with my boyfriend
(21M) about two weeks ago. When we were in the “talking stage” he had mentioned to me that he was watching my profile for months prior to speaking to me and said he had a huge crush on me. I thought this was super sweet, despite my family thinking it was creepy lol. Side story for context; My boyfriend and I were on the phone one time and he told me he is always watching my TikTok profile and does it daily. He even recited a caption on one of my videos that was over a year old verbatim. This caught me off guard at first so l mentioned it to my family. This is why they thought him watching my instagram was creepy.
Back to the story. Well, two days ago he told me that he used to jerk off to my photos even before we met, when we hadn’t even had a conversation. I asked what photo and he said he couldn’t remember. I only asked because my feed is mainly just me smiling, nature, or things about God so I was having a hard time picturing him doing that to my photos. I really don’t know how to feel about this, so i wanted to ask if this is normal for guys? Do guys usually jerk off to girls’ instagram before speaking to them? I have a feeling it’s a normal thing that’s just not meant to be shared lol. Thanks!

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