So, l will keep it brief:

\- part of an amazing team in a large UK company.
\- under our old boss there was an amazing atmosphere & we were one of the best project deployment teams in the entire company.
\- old boss got a promotion. New boss enters.
\- it is clear she lacks communication skills, throws us under the bus, micromanages us, gets super defensive about any feedback/advice, is super disorganised (forgets when people are on leave), and just generally is abrasive and rude (doesn’t let people finish sentences, talks over everyone).
\- the team is falling apart. Everyone is looking for new jobs/is looking to quit.

So, I got a new job in the same company but I am feeling pretty guilty over leaving my teammates (although we are all supporting each other with CVs and looking for different jobs – I just got lucky).

I feel like I should do something to help and with my new role I will be on the same level of seniority as my manager and will be a part for a different team entirely.

Would it be appropriate to go to my current manager’s manager to discuss my concerns about the rest of the team? My thinking is that it is still a bit weird to go behind someone’s back, but I don’t see any other avenue for me or my teammates to resolve this with her. Plus, with me being in a different team helps too in not creating any conflict of interests.

Any advice will be welcome.

I may be a bit slow to respond as on holiday and spending some time with family (a quick aside – my boss rang me this morning at 5 forgetting that I was on leave and left me a voicemail, lol).

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