I’m 28 F so nauseous and sickened right now so I apologize if my post is all over the place. Quick backstory: I met this guy 29 M on bumble 2 years ago and we started hooking up. He disrespected me a lot and always made me feel shitty. He was obsessed with himself and I tried to cut it off so many times. But he would always come back and I just couldn’t stay away and he knew that. I knew he was a bad person but I just couldn’t get myself to stay away. A small part of me actually believed we would end up together one day.

A few months ago, he asked me about my opinion on engagement rings, saying his friend was looking and he was helping him. Just a few weeks ago, he posted a picture (cropped of just him) and called me asking what I thought of the pictures. I remember thinking the pictures looked like pre-wedding shoot pictures but shrugged it off because there’s no way that would be possible and no way he would message me asking about them. He also made a joke about getting engaged to a family friend soon and when I got mad he laughed and said I’m just joking.

I don’t know how to explain this feeling but yesterday I got a weird feeling that he’s getting married. I started digging and snooping and found proof that he is getting married this week. I am in absolute shock and disbelief. How can someone be that evil. I know I was stupid for not seeing the warning signs but this is to another level. Asking about engagement rings, showing me his pre wedding shoot, and even trying to see me 2 weeks before his wedding?? All while I’ve been begging and crying to him to leave me alone because I want to find something serious and he’ll never take me seriously. But he wouldn’t leave me alone. I genuinely think he might be a narcissist. He literally feels like the devil in human form.

I sent him a message saying I hope he burns in hell and then blocked him off everything. Part of me wants to never hear a single thing about him ever again but the other part wants revenge so badly. I’ve never felt this kind of anger and pain. On top of that, I don’t know if I should tell the fiancé. They get married in 2 days. There is a chance that it was an arranged marriage, but he obviously knew 2 weeks ago that he was getting married and she deserves to know. I feel like I’m going to go insane. I don’t know where to go from here and how to recover.

TLDR: situationship of 2 years is getting married this week and I don’t know if I should tell his fiancé

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