I (45m) and my partner (48f) have been seeing each other for just over 18 months. Things are going well and we have a nice healthy and stable relationship. We love each other and spend significant time together regularly.

I don’t want to push the topic too hard as she is cautious and protective of her children in many ways, but I am starting to wonder if she just doesn’t see the point of it, or if it’s a sign that she’s just unsure of the viability of things longer term, hence the reluctance?

We both have kids similar ages (all young adults) and have met each others kids and have dinner with them semi regularly. Her with mine, me with hers. But 18 months in and our kids have not met yet.

We’ve only had brief conversations about the nature of the relationship and I think we both see it as a solid long term relationship, but our kids are yet to meet. Whether that be at a joint dinner or activity, to get to know each other a bit.

She doesn’t really see the point of it. And on one level I understand this. Our relationship is with each other, not each others kids. They all have their own lives and friendship groups etc…

I bought up the matter a couple of months ago and asked her when the right time is to introduce them to each other. She did take some time to think about it during the conversation, but didn’t really come back with any type of response, and the topic hasn’t been raised since.

For context she’s been separated (we are both not divorced however) a lot longer than I have.

TL;DR: my (45m) partner (48f) is reluctant to introduce our adult children to each other after 18 months of being together and I really don’t know why any more.

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