In switzerland it’s usually the same everywhere. When you rent an apartment, you get 3-5 keys, more if there are lots of rooms / possible tenants. In some cases the landlord has a key himself, but often you as the tenant have all the keys.

If you need more, you can order them via your landlord, and have to pay for them yourself. Though I‘m not sure if you get that money back once you move out.

If you move out and are missing a key or multiple, you can sometimes get away with it, if you pay for a replacement and have a good explanation as to why this isn’t a risk. (Like loosing your keys by dropping them in the ocean). If the landlord isn’t having it, you’ll have to pay for changing the lock and a whole new set of keys. Most apartment buildings have one set of keys for each apartment, but all of the keys can open the main entrance to the building. And apparently in the worst case, they will change every lock and replace every key in the building, all at your cost.

The keys are also registered. So you can’t just get a new one from a locksmith without permission of the landlord.

How does this compare to your country?

Edit: I just found out that interestingly, landlords in switzerland are forbidden from having keys to the tenant’s apartment, unless the tenant explicitly allows it.

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