tl;dr 22F and 24M married for 3 years, together for 4. We have struggled to meet each other’s sex expectations. He wants/needs it daily, I am satisfied with 3 times a week. I’ve been on birth control and in a high stress education program for 2 years, and during that time my husband felt I rejected him physically so much that he hasn’t tried the last 1.5 years to avoid rejection. I have made significant progress to meet his needs and lately things have been good for the both of us, yet the past is hunting him and he still feels like I reject him all the time.

Are we able to heal from the mistakes we made in the past and move forward or is it hopeless ? We have been to 2 therapy sessions but I’m afraid it’s too late. He thinks I’m torturing him. I want to make things work, but I also want us both to be happy.

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