What’s up Reddit. Asking for advice on how to improve my banter – let me give context.
I am a relatively extroverted person – many people tell me I talk a lot and am very social. Recently at work and online with my buddies I find myself having less and less to say – I don’t laugh with them all about the same things and it feels like at times when we’re gaming that I can’t keep up with the conversation or even add anything. At work it’s similar – not so much about it being too fast but I don’t really have much to say.

I feel like it’s me being disconnected with topics they’re all talking about but even in just playful conversation I don’t feel I’m really ever funny or entertaining. Like gaming online and roasting people I just feel like I don’t have anything funny to say. I don’t like just feeling like I’m there to game and leave after I’d like to participate more in the conversations.

It’s been stressing me out and I want to get better with this, I’d like to be able to make better associations in my head and make people laugh and enrich the conversation even if it is just gaming online.

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask – I’d love for this to become a symposium for anyone else who may feel the same way.

I appreciate any advice

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